Scalp Massage For Hair Growth

By | April 28, 2017
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Scalp Massage For Hair Growth

Have you ever had a scalp massage for hair growth? I have, and I love it! It is so relaxing and sometimes, I find it a great sleep inducer. You should give it a try! Not only for the sleeping aid but also for your hair growth. This article will look at the types of massage, and how you can do it yourself, as well as what a scalp massage can do for your hair growth!

What Does A Scalp Massage Do For Your Hair Growth?

massaging the head for hair growth

We are all familiar with the word massage.

Though there are many types of massage, today we will be talking about the scalp massage for hair growth.  We will be looking at the general definition of a massage, how to do a massage, the various types of massage, the products used for a massage, the benefits, as well as the drawbacks. At the end of this article, you should be able to decide for yourself if having a scalp massage for hair growth will be the choice for you.

What Is A Massage?

According to Wikipedia, a massage: ‘involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, feet, or a massage device. Depending on the application and technique used, massage is used to promote relaxation and well-being.’

So, to put it in simpler terms, a massage is the way you manipulate any part of your body by applying some type of pressure, using your own body parts or a massage device.

Let’s briefly look at the possible types of massage. I will not go into detail, I just want to pique your curiosity as to the possibilities.

Types Of Massage:

  • Acupuncture
  • Ayurvedic
  • Head
  • Foot
  • Thai
  • Traditional Chinese Massage
  • Swedish
  • and many others.

In this article, we will be looking at the head massage and what it entails.

How Do You Do A Head Massage For Hair Growth

Well, in my opinion, the most basic way to achieve this, can be done in various ways. Here is the list I compiled:

  • self-massage using your fingers
  • assistant-massage using other people’s fingers
  • inversion technique
  • massage tools

Self-Massage Using Your Fingers

This should not be too difficult, as long as you have some time on your hands, you deserve to give yourself a treat. Basically, you can sit in front of a mirror (if you like) and then apply your fingers in small gentle circular movements starting from the forehead towards the back of the head.

You can change the directions while applying a gentle pressure. As it feels good for you. It is really all about simply applying gentle pressure to the scalp and each time you do this, it allows more blood to flow to the nerve endings in the scalp skin area.

You can also take a look at this Youtube video for a visual idea as well.

Assistant-Massage Using Other People’s Fingers

As the title suggests, enlist the hands of someone else to enjoy the sensation fully. Watch this Youtube video to give you a visual idea as well.

Inversion Technique

This is basically an old technique used in Yoga but recently it has been constantly touted as a way to massage the scalp and help to promote hair growth. It is similar to the Down Dog Yoga pose. You can do it anywhere. What the inversion method entails is basically the ability to keep the head in a reverse position for at least 4 mins to allow the blood to flow in the opposite direction. If you hold the pose longer than 4 mins, you might become dizzy. If you are able to gently massage the scalp in that position, this would be even better though not a big deal.

Massage Tools

There are simple massage tools that you can use to further help your fingers achieve your scalp massage. These tools will help your quest using a scalp massage for hair growth. Here are a few suggestions:

Traditional Thai Massage WoodenTools

traditional thai wooden massage tools for head and scalp massage for hair growth
Scalp Massager

scalp massager with metal tines for scalp massage for hair growth
Vibrating Mini Body Massager

vibrating mini massager for scalp massage and hair growth


Products Used For Scalp Massage For Hair Growth

First of all, in my opinion, you don’t need any product to do a massage. It does help, absolutely, but it is not a pre-requisite to achieving nirvana. The product will help to reduce the friction and moisturize the area being massaged. That said, whatever product you choose to use, is totally up to you. It is common to use an oil-based product such as:

Or, combined oil and creme based products, such as:

  • thick conditioners as a pre-poo

You can use these oils on their own merit, or combined to provide a synergistic effect. You can use them at room temperature or slightly warmed. The constant movement of your fingers against your scalp will make the oils feel warm anyway. The magic of the human body!

Benefits Of A Head Massage

There are many benefits to be gained from any type of massage. Some of them that I will list will also do double duty for the head and scalp massage as well.

A massage will:

  • help increase blood circulation to hair follicles resulting in more nutrients getting to the strand and ultimately a better chance of growing more healthy hair
  • help to relax the whole body – it is a great relaxation technique
  • help to reduce pain or headaches and even help sinusitis
  • reduce stiffness in neck and shoulders, as well as scalp
  • reduce overall stress and promote or induce well-needed sleep

Disadvantage Of A Head Massage

Yes, like everything under the sun, we are faced with rewarding advantages as well as annoying disadvantages. A massage is not exempt, though I could not find too many. The only two I found were:

  • a massage, if done too rough can result in hair loss or breakage due to too much manipulation
  • doing a massage too often can result in a sore feeling of your scalp

My Final Thoughts On Scalp Massage For Hair Growth

As with any information, I highly recommend that the reader will do due diligence before implementing any new information.

In my humble opinion, I would recommend a scalp massage for hair growth any day, not only for the hair growth factor but more for the relaxation benefits that will be generated throughout the whole body.

I look forward to your feedback.

scalp massage forhair growth



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2 thoughts on “Scalp Massage For Hair Growth

  1. Annie Collyer

    Hi Michelle,

    My absolutely favorite part of going to the hair salon is the hair wash with scalp massage. My kids know that, and one of my daughters gave me one of those funky scalp massagers you picture here! It works and it is a fun gadget!

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there, Annie.
      Thanks for dropping by!
      Yes, I love a good head massage as well – by hand or with any of those massagers. And so thankful for thoughtful children. Enjoy!


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