Steam And Your Hair

By | May 27, 2017
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What does steam have to do with your hair?

A very good question indeed!

Steam and your hair play a great symphony together. Basically, this is a process where the steam from either hot or dry heat is used along with simple help aids or a steamer. We will be looking at the definition of steaming, how to steam your hair and the tools for the job, as well as the benefits of steaming.

Definition of steam

Technically, steam is what happens when you apply heat to water and it causes the water molecules to change into another form. According to Miriam Webster Online Dictionary: steaming is the invisible vapor into which water is converted when heated to the boiling point.[1]

steam and your hair using steam kettle

There are various ways to produce steam, and of course, for the purpose with which we intend to use it. Steam, on its own, can sometimes be hotter than the water from which its vapors are formed, so be very careful while doing this.

How to steam your hair – products, and methods

Your hair needs all the love and attention you can give it – from the inside and the outside! Steaming is just one great moisturizing method to implement into your hair maintenance.


There are a large array of products that you can use while applying steam to your hair. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it will give you a good place to start doing something that your hair will thank you for – not to mention the compliments that you will get!

Products list:

Methods and Appliances

There are a few methods and appliances that can be used to steam one’s hair. Below are a few that I have personally tried and have had success with:

  • using a plastic bag and a woolen hat – you simply apply the product of your choice on either dry or damp hair (after a cleansing or simply dampened with a spray bottle filled with water) and then cover with a plastic cap. You will then trap the heat – your body heat – with the addition of a woolen cap. You can wear this overnight or for about 1-2 hours.
  • using a plastic bag and a hot towel and then another plastic bag over this – this method is just like the method above, however you ‘up the ante’ by wrapping the head with a towel that has been heated (either by squeezing out the water after it has been soaked in warm water or dampened first and then microwaved for a few additional seconds) and then secured by another plastic cap. You keep this one for about 15 minutes or until the towel has cooled off.
  • using a portable steam cap – there a few natural (flaxseed-made) or gel-based steam caps which will do a great job. Simply do as in the first method and then wear the caps for about 15-30 minutes.
  • using a portable/tabletop helmet hair dryer or a standing hair dryer – as above, in the first method, only then will you sit under the dryer (dry indirect heat) for about 15-30 minutes. You can also use the second method as well for double duty.
  • using a steamer – as shown below.

steam and your hair and a picture of a hair steamer

This is the 2-in-1 facial and hair steamer available on It does the work of two appliances. You can use it to steam your hair and your face. The benefits are great for your face and hair. I think it is a great suggestion if you choose to try the steam experience. You can learn more about this appliance here


  • Instantly convert between tabletop Facial and Hair Steamer
  • Moisturize and hydrate hair prevent breakage and split ends
  • Brings glow to the skin and enhances the skin tone and complexion
  • Built-in UV Ozone System
  • The steamer can also be used as an interior humidifier and is a powerful and efficient way
  • Activate the blood circulation, stimulate the metabolism of cells, improve wrinkles
  • North American Electrical Standards 110V Only


  • 2 IN 1 application: Hair Steamer (treating brittle & damaged hair) and Facial Steamer (treating pores & dry skin)
  • Table top design for personal care at home or salon
  • Clean water usage, no need to put any chemicals or additives
  • Auto shut-off function for safety when the water level mark is too low
  • UV ozone function to increase the vapor quantity

These are some of the easiest ways to reap the benefits of steaming your hair.

Benefits of steam and your hair

There are wonderful benefits to steaming your hair. I have outlined the more obvious ones:

  • adds moisture
  • reduces split ends
  • helps with greater length retention

My final thoughts

I love seeing and having healthy hair as I am sure you do too. Steaming is yet another way to make your mane be the glory of your crown. I would love to hear of your efforts and maybe any new ideas that you might suggest.

steam an hair


[1] Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

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