Homemade Hair Conditioner Recipes

By | September 5, 2017
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D-I-Y alias Homemade Hair Conditioner Recipes

homemade hair conditioner recipes

Hair care is so much easier when you can do it yourself! It really is all about making homemade hair conditioner recipes to achieve your goal. There are many types of conditioners:

  • simple 3-minute conditioner
  • 10min – 30 min deep conditioner

You might be wondering, conditionerdeep conditioner – aren’t they one and the same?

Well, in a way, they both do the same job – condition your hair.  In my opinion, the difference lies in how long you leave the mixture on your hair.

Hair Conditioner Definition

For a quick condition – let’s say about 3-10 minutes – this would be a simple conditioner. If you choose to leave it on your hair for a much longer period – let’s say 15-30 minutes – this would be a deep conditioner.

There are other circumstances where one can leave a conditioner overnight for a  much-needed nurturing or just for the simple reason of convenience or yes, laziness – I am sometimes guilty, especially if I am too tired to finish my hair regimen for that day.

homemade hair conditioner recipes

Hair Conditioning Methods

There is the ever so simple way to condition hair – just put on some conditioner after cleansing hair while in the shower and then do the other little things you do during your shower routine – shaving, facial scrub, etc.- allowing the conditioner to do its job.

Then there is the 10-15 minute time frame. In this instance, once the conditioner is applied, you put on a plastic shower cap or saran wrap or plastic bag and allow your body heat to help the conditioner soak into your strands.

And then, there is the ‘Big Mama’ of conditioning – using the hair steamer. This is a great way of ensuring that the conditioner does the job. The more commonly used hair steamers are the Huetiful or the Q-Redew Hand-held Hair Steamer. They basically open the hair cuticle more to allow deeper penetration of your conditioning product which leads to better hydration and better prevention of hair breakage or hair loss. Take a look at the various models available at Amazon.com – a tabletop model, a standing model, and even a portable model.

homemade hair conditioner recipes


Of course, whichever method you choose, the most important thing is that you are taking the time to care your hair.


homemade hair condtioner recipes

-Redew Hand-held Hair Steamer


Homemade Hair Conditioner Recipes

Here are some yummy natural, homemade hair conditioner recipes that you might find interesting to pamper your tresses. They are basically easy to make, and the ingredients are also easily accessible.


Simple Aloe Vera Conditioner

homemade hair condtioner recipes


1 Aloe vera leaf

To make this ever so simple hair conditioner, simply slice down the middle of the leaf, (watch out for the slippery feel of the leaf while cutting). Then get a tablespoon and scoop out the inside – a jelly-like substance – and then put it in a bowl.

Next, empty contents in a blender and blend. Pour the mixture through a sieve to ensure that all the little stray pieces of the leaf do not stick in your hair. Then, massage into freshly cleansed hair. You get more penetration by covering your hair with a plastic cap for about 10 minutes. Rinse and style as you like. Your hair should be easy to comb and oh so much softer to the touch.

Delightful Honey And Banana Hair Mask


homemade hair conditioner recipes



1 over-ripe Banana

It is better to use an over-ripe banana for this recipe. It is softer and blends easier. Simply peel banana, slice and put in blender. For one banana, I usually add one tablespoon honey. Blend. Once blended, strain through a sieve to ensure that the seeds from the banana are out of the liquid and does not stick in your hair. Massage into freshly washed hair and cover with a plastic cap for about 10-15 minutes. Rinse and style as usual. This mix makes your hair soft and shiny.

Enriching Yoghurt And Olive Oil Deep Conditioner

homemade hair conditioner recipes

Natural Greek Yoghurt

Olive Oil

As with most of the recipes, I will suggest, the quantity is mainly for one use so there is no waste. So, one tablespoon of olive oil and one small tub of yoghurt. If you do not have Greek Yoghurt, any natural yoghurt will do. The Greek Yoghurt is just more loaded with nutrients.

Put both ingredients in a small bowl and hand mix until blended together. Massage into freshly cleansed hair and cover with plastic cap for at least 5-10 minutes. This mixture might be a little runny so ensure that there is some protection (towel) around your neck for the ‘drip factor’! Rinse and style or continue with your regimen. This mix will strengthen your hair.

Smooth Avocado Hair Conditioner


homemade hair conditioner recipes

1 Fully ripe Avocado

For this recipe, please choose a softer avocado – it blends better. You can mash the avocado in a small bowl with a dinner fork or you can blend on a slow speed for a few seconds. No needs to strain after blending. Just add to freshly cleansed hair and cover with plastic cap for 10 mins and then rinse. Hair should be softer and shinier.

Simple Fenugreek Hair Mask

homemade hair conditioner recipes


Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek is often used in the Indian culture as a very pungent and vibrant spice added to curries. Now there are two ways of making this conditioner. I like to grind the seeds using a coffee grinder until it is a soft powder.

I then add about 6 tablespoons water to 1 tablespoon powder. Now, this powder tends to double in power once it is wet. Leave overnight to allow it to do so. Then simply massage into freshly cleansed hair and cover with a plastic cap for about 30mins. Rinse and enjoy tangle free, shiny hair.

The other method is to soak 1 tablespoon of seeds in warm water (about 6 tablespoons) and let it sit overnight. Then blend and use the paste as a hair mask. After 30 mins, same results as above – tangle free and shiny hair.

Silky Coconut Cream Hair Conditioner

homemade hair conditioner recipes


Can of Coconut Cream

I LOVE coconut anything! The oil, the cream, the flesh, the water – it really does a body good! There is not much to this conditioner recipe. Simply sp0on some coconut cream in a small bowl depending on the length of your hair. Apply it to your hair and then cover with a plastic cap for about 20 minutes. Rinse and style or continue with your regimen. Coconut cream leaves your hair smelling great, feeling soft and silky and full of shine!

I found this video on Youtube where the user mixes Aloe Vera, Avocado, Coconut Cream, Vegetable Glycerin, Castor Oil, and Peppermint Essential Oil. A delightful mix!


These are just a few homemade hair conditioner recipes which show how versatile fruits and natural products can enhance the beauty of black natural hair.  Start your adventure and let me know your thoughts.

homemade hair conditioner recipes

Images courtesy of Pixabay.com

6 thoughts on “Homemade Hair Conditioner Recipes

  1. Matthew Owen

    Well, I don’t know if I need to condition my hair or make something to eat after reading this article.lol
    How on earth did someone find out that foods can make your hair soft and shiny? My guess is that somebody got drunk and fell asleep with their hair in their food and woke to beautiful shiny hair ?
    Does it really work and if so, which works best?

    1. Michelle Post author

      Matthew Owen, as I am sure your mother probably would say to you sometimes for being cheeky!!

      Your comment surely made me smile. Yes, using natural products for hair and body care is sometimes so much more appetizing than, let’s say ‘functional’. There have been times that I was truly tempted to just make a salad or something with the ingredients versus doing my hair! I have heard it said in the past, if you can put it in your body, you can use it outside too!! SO, there you have it, to eat or not to eat? This is the question!!

      In answer to your question, all joke aside, yes, it does work. My favorite ‘go to’ is the coconut – its oil, its milk, its cream. There is just so much that the coconut can do for the body – inside and outside.

      I challenge you, Matthew. Try one of the easier recipes and let me know. You might very well surprise yourself…and your hair!
      Much success.

  2. Merry

    Heh, Michelle, I enjoyed reading your post today. As a hairstylist, who can be a little controversial, I agree with many home-made concoctions. So many wouldn’t as they get paid to sell the high-end goodies in the salon. One of my favorites as well is coconut! And the other is Olive Oil. Yup, a small, very small dab will do ya. Your tired and split ends will love you for this. The trick to using this as a styling aid is to only apply to the ends as the oil will move. Creates beautiful shine and smoothness to your locks. Thank you for such a fun post and allowing me to share. I came across a book that even tho’ it is not new, it has some fun tips anyone can use.
    It is called “Bad Hair & Nothing to Wear” by Katie Harper-Jones

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there, Merry
      I am so happy that you enjoyed reading the article.
      SO very true on hair salons and their allegiance, but ok, I understand their perspective as well. But in these times, we see and hear about so many results from misuse or overuse of products which do harm to our hair and bodies.
      Yes, coconut oil is my absolute fave, followed as a close runner-up, the good ‘ole olive oil.
      I am an avid bookie, and so I will surely check out the book you mentioned.
      Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate your comment and hair tip.

  3. Annie Collyer

    Hi Michelle, what great information! Thank you for giving these recipes! I love using some coconut or avocado oil on my hair and skin. It is so great and good for me. And such a lower cost than buying products – that often have additives I have no use for!

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello Annie,
      Thanks for visiting. You are welcome. I enjoy sharing any recipes that involve natural products and however they can be used on the body – in or out. Glad you found it helpful


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