Is There A Market For Black Hair Natural Products?

By | August 28, 2016
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uestions signs about a market for black hair natural products


This is almost like a redundant question …to me!

Of course, there is a market for black hair natural products…duh…created and working on the website here???!!!

So, seriously, what is my take on this subject?

I am a woman of color and I have grown up using black natural hair products – mostly homemade and the other pre-made products that flood the market and beg for our financial support.

Of course, in the earlier days, people tended to shy away from natural products because they were not advertised as much as the other manufactured hair products.  And somehow, because there was not an abundance of advertising for the products, people did not know and sometimes, because there was no fanfare about the product – then they did not think it was a good one…especially for black hair.

I remember when I tried Wanakee Verifen Complex System.

Wana-who? I hear you.

Well, Wanakee Pugh was a black model who decided to take care of her hair and then build a line of hair products to help her do that and became successful in that line of business as well.

using wanakee for black hair natural products

wanakee hair story and black hair natural products


AND then, there was the market which was more geared towards the Caucasian type/texture of hair. What were black women to do to make their hair gorgeous too?

Obviously, we also used the same products as our Caucasian and mixed genealogy sisters, only to find that they did not always work the same way touted on the product label.

Can we say – Houston, we have a problem!

Well, times and products have changed over the years and thankfully, women of all ethnicities now find it easier to get access to various and profuse products to take care of their hair. Of course, there are still factors to consider:

  • the availability
  • the ingredients
  • the price and certainly,
  • the effectiveness of the products.

It is still a work in progress for women and hair care…and yes, let’s not forget our brothers too! There are men out there who care as much for their hair and do something about it.

So, in conclusion, I do believe that there is a market out there for black hair natural products…we just have to bring it closer to our fingertips as technology has definitely made it one step closer virtually.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Feel free to share them with me and maybe with more minds at work, we can see changes for the future.

Thanks for indulging me.

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