Best Hair Vitamins For Hair Growth

By | June 23, 2017
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What are the best hair vitamins for hair growth?

the best hair vitamins for hair growth

Everyone loves to have a great head of hair – man and woman alike – and I am sure you are among them, as am I! We all would love to know what are the best hair vitamins for hair growth. There is nothing more beautiful that a healthy head of hair on YOUR head. It is not only about the exterior appearance, but we need to remember that the maintenance part of that beauty starts from the inside.

Yes, our hair health is determined by what we put in our bodies. Of course, what we do on the outside is also of importance. They BOTH go hand in hand.

Today we will be looking at 5 best hair vitamins for hair growth:

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin B
  • vitamin C
  • vitamin D
  • vitamin E

There are many medical studies where they show that the hair and nails are the last to receive the nutrients which we get from our normal nutritional dietary intake. And, in addition to this, we still need to be aware of the amount of processed foods which we give to our bodies and which give no nutritional value. SO, in the long run, we need to supplement our nutritional intake to help nurture our skin, hair, and nails.

Without adequate vitamins and minerals which our body need, it can and will sometimes result in health deficiencies and this, in turn, can cause hair loss, brittle hair, and thinning hair. So, let’s look at these vitamins and see how important they are for your hair growth.

Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant and does some awesome things to your body’s health. I highly recommend that you do a yearly medical check-up to ensure that all your necessary vitamin intake is spot on! The same way you check for your cholesterol, your blood pressure, you know what I mean – this is also important, especially as we become more mature in years.

Of course, as with most thing in life, too much of ANYTHING, even vitamins, can prove to be a bad thing or give a reverse result to the one you seek. For most vitamins, it is recommended that the main source be received from the fresh products versus vitamin supplements.

best hair vitamins for hair growth

Healthy sources of vitamin A are:

  • beef liver (3 ounces)
  • carrots (1 cup raw)
  • sweet potato (1 whole)
  • kale (1 cup chopped)
  • spinach (1 cup raw)
  • broccoli (1 cup raw)
  • eggs (1-2 depending on the size)
  • apricots (1-2)

 Possible symptoms of inadequate vitamin A include pancreatic disorder, night blindness, and skin disorders.

Vitamin B  is not a stand alone vitamin per se. It is usually a group of 8 related B-vitamins which all work together towards one goal – YOUR health. One of the most important B vitamins is the vitamin B12. It is a water-soluble vitamin that is present in some foods and is required to help proper red blood cell formation, basic neurological function, and DNA synthesis.

best hair vitamins for hair growth

Great sources of vitamin B12 are:

  • beef liver (1 ounce)
  • sardines (3 ounces)
  • wild salmon (3 ounces)
  • feta cheese (0.5 cup)
  • eggs (1-2 depending on the size)

Signs which might indicate too little vitamin B include tiredness, slow or retarded hair growth, migraines, anemia, and liver dysfunction.

Vitamin C is well known as a wonderful antioxidant and great immunity builder for the body, especially in the winter months when the common cold tends to visit. The fun part about this vitamin is that, not only can you take it internally for general health but also great hair health – inside and outside. There are a lot of natural hair products that can be used naturally or pre-made which is packed with vitamin C. You can use lemons for hair rinses, grapefruit essential oil for hair growth, and a host of other citrus packed products to help hair health.

Awesome sources of vitamin C:

  • oranges (1 large)
  • red peppers (1/2 cup raw)
  • kale (1 cup raw)
  • brussels sprouts (1/2 cup cooked)
  • strawberries (1/2 cup)
  • grapefruit (1/2 cup)
  • kiwi (1 piece)

Signs of vitamin C deficiency can be seen in very dry skin, dry brittle hair, more wrinkles, easily bruised skin and bleeding gums.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which is able to be converted by our bodies whenever we are exposed to the sunlight. This does wonders for your hair! Of course, remember to protect your hair, and skin once outside to get some vitamin D from Mother Nature. Also, keep in mind that over-exposure is not good; 5-15 minutes of moderate sunlight will be enough each day.

best hair vitamins for hair growth

Common sources of vitamin D:

  • the sunlight (5-10mins daily)
  • mushrooms (1 cup)
  • cod liver oil (1 tsp)
  • sardines (3 ounces)
  • caviar (1 ounce)
  • tuna (3 ounces)

Telltale signs that you need to up the ante on your vitamin D include rickets (or bone abnormality), weakened immune system, dementia, and skin issues such as eczema and psoriasis.

Last, but by no means, least, is Vitamin E. A very powerful vitamin when it comes to hair growth. It makes a HUGE difference in how your hair grows, feels and looks. Of course, natural sources are best, however, supplements will do a great job too.

Popular sources of vitamin E:

  • almonds (1 ounce)
  • spinach (1 bunch)
  • avocado (1 piece)
  • sunflower seeds (2 tbsp)
  • wheat germ (1 ounce
  • olive oil (1 tbsp)

Signs that you need to focus on the intake of your vitamin E can include dry, scaly skin, lack-luster hair, impaired vision and speech, and loss or reduced muscle coordination.

Final thoughts

In the long term, it is how well and how often that you combine the above-mentioned vitamins that will produce healthy results. These results will be seen in the health of your hair, skin, and nails. Take the time to nurture yourself – it will love you back.

what are the best vitamins for hair growth



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