10 Top Uses For Coconut Oil That You Can Try!

By | December 25, 2016
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10 Top Uses For Coconut Oil That You Can Try!

Coconut oil is a by-product of the fruit called coconut.  We will be looking at 10 top uses for coconut oil. As an island woman, growing up in my little country, we would go to the beach almost every Sunday. Having a water coconut was just a natural progression of being at the beach. AND, eating the coconut meat was always a given.

Who Doesn’t Love Coconut Oil?

10 top uses for coconut oil

The best part about that experience was not just the beach, the sand, the freshly grilled lobster, freshly fried snapper (all just caught from the sea – the flesh just melted in your mouth), the festival (a specially prepared cornmeal based bread roll), but also the coconut water and its jelly, meat or flesh (the sometimes white or translucent colored inside area) as the locals would sometimes refer to it.

coconut on a tree

I loved eating the flesh as well as drinking the juice. The nutritional content was what I found out later in my life. And then I realized what a wonder fruit it is.

Not just the fruit, the juice (water) or the flesh (meat), but the by-product as well – coconut oil!

 coconut oil

The most important players in this fruit are the fats, good fats called MCFAs – Medium-Chain-Fatty Acids. These include Caprylic acid, Lauric acid, and Capric acid. About 65% of the oils in coconut is made up of these 3 fats and about 91% of the oils in coconut oil is healthy saturated fat.

MCFAs found in coconut oil are easily turned into fuel by the body, which in turn provides the body with a good energy source. MCFAs are:

  • easy to digest
  • anti-microbial
  • anti-fungal
  • smaller in size which allows a quicker cell permeability for instant energy
  • processed by the liver – meaning that they are immediately converted into energy versus being stored as fat
  • not readily stored as fat

You can also read more about the benefits of MCT Oil vs Coconut Oil in this article HERE.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil benefits the whole body, inside and outside.

You can drink it in drinks – I love to have 2 tbsps in warm milk with honey before going to bed, or you can simply take 2 tbsps as a dietary supplement. You can also check out this link about MCT – 16 Stunning Benefits of MCT Oil that can also provide some interesting information for you.

I also cook a lot with coconut oil. It enhances the flavor, although it burns really quickly.

Here are 10 top uses for coconut oil in haircare:

 #1 – Hair Conditioner

Coconut oil is truly a great product for healthy hair. Once massaged into the hair and on the scalp, not only does it make your hair shine, but it also strengthens the strands. Used as a hair conditioner, this oil is quickly absorbed into the hair and will feel wonderfully moisturized. Simply add enough of the oil to the dry or wet hair and allow it to penetrate the strands for at least 1 hour (keeping hair sealed in under a plastic cap to allow the body’s own natural heat to do the job of warming the oil and increasing the rate of absorption through the scalp). Then wash or rinse and style as usual.

#2  – Dandruff Control

If you have dandruff or dry hair, coconut oil is the best thing you could do to make things different. Using coconut oil mixed with any essential oil like rosemary, sage or sweet basil will help you to get healthy hair again. Simply mix 1:1 ratio of the oils, massage into the scalp and hair, allow it to sit/penetrate the hair before cleansing the hair, then style normally.

#3 – Hair Growth

Coconut oil is a great and natural way to help stimulate hair growth. I have seen on one of the many hair boards where there have been hair challenges using ONLY coconut oil as a hair growth oil and the results have been priceless and great ‘eye candy’ to behold the beauty of the results in hair growth. The hair photos show growth in length and thickness. The essential nutrients including the lauric acid which penetrates the hair shaft and improves hair health.

Hair health is a combination of internal and external factors. There are foods high in Omega-3 fats, pumpkin, chia, and flax seeds, and green tea, which help to encourage healthy hair growth, from the inside out. And of course, don’t forget the nuts! Loads of Vitamin E and natural eating pleasure!

Doing any type of scalp massage is great for blood circulation and once you add some warmed coconut oil to the experience, you will be using a recipe for hair growth. It is best to massage the scalp with a gentle pressure for at least 10 minutes, 2 – 3  times per week. Once you are finished, you can either secure hair in a bun or cover with a plastic cap and allow the oils to penetrate more or cleanse and style as usual.

You can also add various Essential Oils like rosemary, sage, and nettle which are great and well-known oils which also help to stimulate growth.

Another resource which you might learn some useful information about coconut oil and hair loss, visit HairLossRevolution.  It is worth taking a look.

#4 – Styling

Coconut oil can also be used as a natural styling agent. It does not have any chemical component to traumatize your hair follicles. And it will still make your hair look great!

Styling tools like:

  • hair dryers
  • flat irons
  • hot rollers
  • curling irons

can wreak havoc on your hair – making it dry and sometimes brittle which almost always leads to breakage.

Coconut oil can help to prevent thermal damage and used in the right amount for the volume of hair, will result in easier styling (detangling), and frizz-free strands. Just apply a dime-sized amount before using the heating implement (if you really have to) will help to minimize the effect on your hair.

#5 – Sunscreen Protection

Your hair, like anything that comes in contact with the sun, wind, snow, rain or any type of environmental effect will be affected. Coconut oil can be used as a natural sunscreen. An SPF is a measure of how much UV radiation is blocked. Coconut Oil has an SPF of 4, which blocks 75% of UV radiation. 75% protection is about 45 minutes of sun exposure.

If you will be spending some time in the sun, then apply some coconut oil as a leave-in conditioner for continuous hair protection. AND you may also want to do some double duty, by applying some to your skin as well.

#6 – Detangling Agent

No one likes having knots in their hair and without a doubt will do whatever it takes to reduce this issue. My suggestion for this is the wonder oil – coconut oil! Because coconut oil is absorbed by 75% into the hair strand, it helps to strengthen the hair by the protein that it adds as well.

You can add coconut oil (after cleansing the hair),  to either wet or partially damp hair. The oil helps the fingers or comb glide through without snagging and also helps to minimize tangles or knots. And be sure to remember to ALWAYS start from the bottom of your hair and slowly work your way up to the root when you detangle. Ensure that your hair ends are trimmed regularly to prevent tangles.

#7 – Lice Prevention And Treatment

It has been touted that coconut oil combined with anise spray can work wonders in treating and preventing those ‘pesky critters’ called lice!

In a controlled study by the European Journal of Paediatrics (1), the results proved that the coconut oil based spray was 82% successful and the permethrin was only 42% successful, and 33 of the 50 participants reported scalp irritation after using the conventional treatment.

Another study published in the Israel Medical Association Journal was even more successful. They added ylang-ylang oil to the coconut oil and anise oil combination. The treatment was successful in 92.3% of children and caused no serious side effects (2).

Because the coconut oil penetrates the hair strand, the absorption of the oils is better in repelling the lice and will keep their eggs from adhering to the hair strand. With the addition of essential oils including ylang-ylang, tea tree, and anise, their chance of survival is slim!

So, I suggest if there is any problem with lice, you can use coconut oil mixed with ylang-ylang, anise and tea tree oil and massage the mixture into the hair.

Gently comb through with a fine-tooth comb and then add more of the mixture, covering hair with a plastic cap and leaving it to penetrate for at least 30 mins to 1 hour. You can increase penetration by using indirect heat from a blow-dryer or helmet hair dryer and then cleanse.

To further cleanse, you can also do an apple cider rinse ( 1:1 ratio of warm water and apple cider vinegar). Do this about 2-3 times in a week for the best effect.

#8 – Enhancing Color Additive

I use Henna to color my hair naturally. Coconut oil can also be added to the mixture to ensure more absorption of color as well. You can also use coconut oil with coffee (the brew and the grains) and apply to the hair. It should be allowed to sit on the hair under a plastic cap for about 30mins to 1 hour for maximum color enhancement. Then rinse and style as usual.

For lighter colored hair types, you can use chamomile tea, lemon juice and coconut oil well-blended. You then add the mixture to cover the hair, cover with a plastic cap and allow to sit for 30mins to 1 hour for maximum penetration. The ratio is 2:1:1 (tea, juice, oil). Rinse and style as usual.

#9 – Shaving Cream

using coconut oil for shaving

For those of us who shave our heads, guys and girls or even need to shave our legs, underarms, coconut oil is a great natural product to use. Simply warm the oil and smooth onto the surface (scalp-bald head, legs, underarms). Then proceed with shaving.

The razor should glide along smoothly as the skin is also being moisturized at the same time as the old cells are being removed from the surface. After shaving, apply a little more coconut oil to the area for continued moisturizing.

#10 – Cleansing Agent

Coconut oil can also be used as a cleansing agent in your cleanser of choice: whether you use a manufactured shampoo, home-made shampoo or conditioner. With the manufactured shampoo or conditioner, simply add a few tablespoons of coconut oil to the product and mix well (maybe even blend lightly) and then use.

You can make a natural coconut oil cleanser by combining black soap, or Castile Liquid Soap, with tea tree oil or/and coconut oil; then mix completely and use to cleanse hair.

You might also be interested in checking out this informational site about coconut oil
Click Here!

I hope you enjoyed reading this article 10 Top Uses For Coconut Oil That You Can Try as I did getting the information to your eyes.

Please give me your feedback or any tips that would be helpful. As well as any other top uses for coconut oil that I could add to the list.

Thank you.

10 top uses for coconut oil


  1. The European Journal of Paediatrics
  2. Israel Medical Association Journal

Images courtesy of Pixabay and Pexels.

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20 thoughts on “10 Top Uses For Coconut Oil That You Can Try!

  1. Jacqueline Smith

    Great article Michelle!! I have recently started using coconut oil on my natural hair. My hair is very thick and I find the oil lightens it a lot which is great. I also take 2 tsp’s as part of my daily diet and use it on my skin.
    I try to go for 100% cold pressed virgin coconut oil for all my needs. The one I currently use only mentions ‘for use in cooking’. Do you think this can be used for hair and skin too as I buy the coconut oil for my hair and skin from the hair/cosmetic store – which works out a bit more expensive than the oil bought from the supermarket.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there Jacqueline,

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, using coconut oil is a great solution for many things. I also use it on my hair – I have been natural now for more than 4 yrs. I love how it makes my hair feel- soft and shiny, to boot. I also use it as a health supplement to help regulate my weight.

      As to where to purchase coconut oil. Well, honestly, I go to ethnic stores and just buy it off the shelf. The ones that are ‘earmarked’ for cooking are more refined. I use those for my skin and hair. I use it in my DIM (do-it-myself) mixtures.

      For my internal intake, I use the unrefined stuff. I order that online from Nutiva – and I use it sparingly.LOL
      Good luck with our lovely friend, Miss Coconut – she ALWAYS gets my vote!


  2. Sean Thomas

    I never knew that there were so many benefits to coconut oil. Yes. I am aware of the taste benefits as I also like to use it when cooking. However, I wasn´t aware of its energy benefits or that it isn´t stored as fat. And as for shaving! Well you learn something new every day.

    Thanks for the information Michelle


    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there Sean,
      Thanks for stopping by my cyberspace. Yes, I LOVE coconut oil – can you hear me shouting from the mountain top? LOL
      I am an island woman and coconuts abound wherever we turn – so, it’s so easy to get one and drink the refreshing water/juice inside and then eat the meat/flesh as we call it. It is so nutritious and yes, so handy as a fruit. It packs a real punch!
      I am glad you found a new use for coconut oil.
      Thank you for your feedback.

  3. Cindy

    Hi Michelle,

    I was looking for more ways to utilize coconut oil and I’m so glad to see your article! I did not know that coconut oil could do so much. I occasionally use it for cooking and sometimes to rub on dry skin but wow, I didn’t realize that it could help the hair! I get my hair colored every two months so it tends to be a little dry. Not too bad. I’m also getting older so I noticed that my hair is thinning out as well. I miss the days when my hair was so shiny and lush. ‘m going to try the method you detailed for hair growth and see if it can help.

    Question – I already buy refined coconut oil for cooking. Do you think I can use this melted down? Or is there an actual oil I can buy? I’m really excited about this and look forward to your reply! Thanks! Cindy

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there Cindy,

      Thanks for stopping by.

      It makes me feel good to know that you found this article useful and informative. Yes, there are so many uses for the coconut oil.

      To answer your question: Refined coconut oil usually is coconut oil that has been processed in a certain way – sometimes the smell is less ‘coconutty’, if there is such a word. The cold-pressed or unrefined coconut oil will surely smell more like coconut.

      In terms of the uses – well, for internal consumption, I use organic coconut oil that I order online from Nutiva. For my hair and skin, I use anything I can get my hands on. The grocery store or sometimes the ethnic stores are my ‘go to places’.

      Also, Cindy, coconut oil ‘sleeps’ when the environmental temperature is low, but all you need to do is simply put it in a container of warm water and it will become liquid again.

      Have fun with coconut oil – the best thing is that it is indeed a natural product with so many possibilities.

      All the best.

  4. Grace

    Funny I did not know you can use coconut oil in your hair! And the amount of benefits you can have on your hair is pretty cool. I will have to try some soon as my could use a little help! Lol Is it easy to wash out and how long do you have to leave it in your hair for?

    Thanks for your informative post! This has helped me find ways to get rid of dandruff and make my hair nice and lush!

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there Grace,

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes, coconut oil is very versatile!

      It is great to use in your hair and all over. As with anything, moderation is key. When you use it in your hair, as long as you don’t use the whole bottle, it should be easy to wash out. For short hair, using about 3-4 tablespoons should do the trick; massage it into the hair and scalp, then cover your hair with a plastic shower cap and let it stay on the hair for about 15-30 mins; rinse out with warm water, then style as usual.

      I am glad that you could find some useful information from the article.

      All the best.


  5. Sondra


    Earlier this week I was at Walmart and noticed they had a big variety of coconut oil products. The packages looked like they could have been in the bubble bath section of the store, so it caught my attention. I was reading that you could use it to cook with AND for a moisturizer. So, I was doing some internet research when I found your site.

    Life as an island woman sounds amazing!

    I didn’t realize that coconut oil had so many advantages. I have very dry, thin, fine hair. So, I am going to try it as a moisturizer. This may sound crazy, but I’m wondering how it would work with my horses. I feed them corn oil, to improve their coats (hair). I’m wondering if coconut oil might be even better utilized. I may also try putting some in a spray bottle to condition their hair and protect it from the sun. Maybe even bugs…..

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there Sondra,

      Thanks for visiting my site.

      Yes, life as an Island woman was great! 🙂

      Indeed, coconut oil is indeed a miracle drug:) I think that using it in your hair as a beauty product should indeed help. Here is a quick hair recipe – for short hair, using about 3-4 tablespoons should do the trick; massage it into the hair and scalp, then cover your hair with a plastic shower cap and let it stay on the hair for about 15-30 mins; rinse out with warm water, then style as usual.

      I think it would be great to use it on your horses, I see no reason why not. Hair is hair is hair – no matter where. I have used it on my daughter’s guinea pigs once when they had insects in their fur, and it helped to keep the bugs aways. You can even use coconut for keeping away mosquitos!

      I use coconut oil internally as well, so I think it should be ok for your horses. Of course, this is not medical advice. You may want to check with your veterinarian before doing anything.

      All the best, Cindy. Stop by again and be sure to let me know how the horses are doing! 🙂


  6. Joe

    Great post Michelle, I never knew of all the benefits of coconut oil. My mother is a hair dresser and she has always raved about the benefits of coconut oil on your hair. Lice prevention and treatment? I have 3 young children at home. I hope I never need to use it for that reason, but its great to have the info just in case. Thanks

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello Joe,
      Thanks for visiting. Yes, the uses of coconut oil are so wonderful. I am sure if more people were made aware of the advantages, there would less exposure to adverse situations, that sometimes are preventable.
      Your mother is onto something…using coconut oil for the hair and as a beauty treatment. Wonderful.:)
      Yes, I, too hope that the need does not arise to use it for the prevention of lice. The thought gives me goosebumps.:)
      All the best.

  7. Chrissie

    Hi Michelle
    I really loved reading your article about Coconut Oil.
    I have used Coconut oil in cooking for some time now, but I never realised how many other amazing uses it has!
    I shall definitely be using it more in my everyday life, for hair and skin etc.
    Your suggestion to use it to control headlice is so very useful. The children are always getting notes from school warning about headlice, but I hate the chemical remedies, so we will definitely be using your brilliant method of coconut oil, anise and tea tree. Can you make it into a protective spray, or does it set too easily?
    Very many thanks for this great information.
    Chrissie 🙂

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there Chrissie,
      Thanks for visiting. Yes, I love coconut oil and the flexibility that it has.I think it so under-used as a natural source of goodness. Sure you can make the mixture for the lice prevention and put it in a spray bottle. If it ‘falls asleep’ as it can when the time is a little cold, you can just put it in a bowl with some warm water, it will become liquid again. So happy that you were able to find some use from the information.
      Much success.

  8. Odd Helge Hveding

    Wow, what a story!

    I’m amazed about all the possibilities coconut oil can offer. There are so many of these areas that people around me have problems with. They are looking for solutions. I’ve heard that some use coconut oil for other things, but all this is just amazing. Thank you for sharing.

    I have to share this article to a couple of people, but if they ask. Where can we get coconut oil?

    Odd Helge, now a coconut oil fan.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello Odd Helge,

      Thanks for visiting.

      Yes, isn’t is mind-boggling the amount of things you can do with the humble coconut oil? I have always been a fan and continue to be one. I have seen it do wonders for me, in more ways than one.

      I am glad that you were able to garner some useful information from this article. And yes, there are still many other ways to use coconut oil, I guess you will have to come back for the next article.:) Thanks also for sharing the information.

      I usually buy my coconut oil at Nutiva.com or Vitacost, especially if I plan to use it internally. Otherwise, any ethnic store in your area or sometimes in the general grocery store, you might be able to find it.

      Good luck and please revisit. Appreciate your feedback.


  9. Graham

    Hi Michelle I never knew it had so many uses. I’ve heard people talking more about coconut oil but wasn’t sure why. I might just give it a go for my diet as I am always looking for the healthier choice. I also might give it a go when I shave, always open minded. Always great to learn about more natural products rather than chemical. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello Graham,

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Yes, I love coconut oil, especially because of its versatility. I am glad that you found the information useful and eye-opening. Yes, lately, all eyes and ears have been on ‘things natural’. It is nice when people realize the effect of all things – chemical or organic – on their bodies. Good luck with your new found ‘friend’ and happy shaving!



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