Natural Hair Care And Hairstyles For Children

By | October 3, 2016
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Natural Hair Care And Hair Styles For Children

Beautiful natural hair

AAH, yes, our children, the gems of our creation, the reason for living our lives!

Without a doubt, we all love our children – no matter what they may do, no matter what they may say, no matter what they may look like!

For some of those things, we can take control for a while, i.e. what their hair looks like! All too often, walking down the street or wherever, I go, I find myself looking at the hair of children. You will see the guardian – be it, the mother, father, grandparents, nanny – all dressed to the ‘nines’ and the wee ones looking ‘ordinary’ or sometimes bordering on ‘unkempt’ when to comes to their hair.

We need to take the time to ensure that the natural hairstyles for kids do them justice, every time.

It is true that sometimes, trying to comb the hair of a toddler can be challenging, however, with a little cajoling, it can be done, once, if not twice in a while. In any event, I digress, let’s talk about making the hair of our children look fabulous at any age.

To begin, just like adults, we all need a regimen for our children’s hair. Yes, and why not? They need care too. The fact that they may be ‘little’ does not discount the need for hair care awareness.

My daughter is 9yrs old and I am already teaching her hair basics. She knows how to co-wash her hair, apply a leave-in and then seal with homemade whipped shea butter, then style. She is not A1 on her style technique, but she is constantly in training mode and does this by herself and on her Barbie dolls. I love her spirit of adventure. You have to allow them to try and not be a helicopter mom!

Ahem, I am talking to all mothers, maybe me?

I have cut my daughter’s hair to allow her to grow into her hair length and to decide which length she prefers. Before I cut her hair, it was a little past her waist. She has decided that she wants to be Rapunzel and so as it regrows, she has elected not to cut it for now- which is fine for me- I love hair! It is still a process for her, however, she is always willing to do it herself.

Basic Hair Care For Children

Just like adults, we need to ensure that our children’s hair is clean, especially as they are interacting with other children at school, house parties, public outings, socializing at the very least. Every year, around spring, I get a note from my daughter’s school advising about possible lice infection and what to do to ensure that my daughter is not infected.

Just goes to show that even though you may make the effort to care your children’s hair and body, there is always that possibility that there may be others in our midst that don’t care enough to make a difference. So, let’s all strive to do the best for our children, not only in hair care but in general care.


The Cleansing


In my opinion, a child’s hair should be washed at least once a week, no matter what the age. A child perspires just like an adult but maybe not profusely. Of course, we forget that the scalp is also a part of the biggest organ on the human body – the skin. It breathes through our pores constantly.

It is always a good idea to wash your child’s hair with as natural a product as you can find – even it means, sometimes, doing it yourself! The gentler the product, the less damage to your child’s hair. I recommend Alberto VO5 .

I use this product all the time with my daughter’s hair as a co-wash. Just wet the hair thoroughly and then apply the conditioner. Another way, which works just as well, is to pour half of the conditioner out ( or wait until it is half-way used), then fill it to the top with water and give it a healthy shake.

Then simply massage this mix into your child’s hair. I do this about three times, concentrating on the massage of the scalp to get rid of all the dust, sweat and environmental stuff not seen but surely, is there!

There are quite a few natural products available to the consumer, just pay more attention to the ingredients label before choosing.

Of course, one can also make natural cleansing mixes using aloe vera, baking soda, Indian powders – namely aritha and shikakai, to name a few.


The Conditioning

Now, I am sure the process of cleansing may not be an easy one for the little ones, however, the conditioning is just as important. You can do this maybe once a month as time and child allow. Of course, it also depends on the condition of your child’s hair to decide how often this is needed. A simple conditioning treatment is always recommended. A deep conditioning is great, though not always easy.

A simple conditioning can be simply massaging some coconut oil on the hair and letting it sit while your child showers or runs free for a while, hopefully not wet through the house! After a few minutes, simply rinse out and move on to the next step – moisturizing.

A few natural conditioners are aloe vera, greek yogurt,  mayonnaise, coconut creamThis is not a complicated process, simply use as much as needed depending on the volume of hair that your child has and then massage throughout the hair.

The Moisturizing

One thing that all black natural hair needs, as a matter of fact, ALL hair needs moisture! Moisture helps to reduce hair tangles, make hair softer and helps to retain hair length. This step should not be skipped or treated lightly.

A moisturizer can be as simple and natural as some aloe vera juice or apple cider vinegar. Either product can be used as a rinse for the hair or simply allowed to remain on the hair – meaning, not rinsed out.

Aloe vera is a great plant and is known for its moisturizing properties. Apple cider vinegar is also known to make the hair softer, shinier and easier to detangle. There are also natural moisturizers that can be store bought as well.

The Sealing

This step is like the ‘icing on the cake’. You have to ensure that all the TLC– tender loving care – you have just given your child’s hair, stays locked-in until the next wash day. I usually use a homemade whipped shea butter as my final application.

I simply put a small amount in my hand and rub it between my palms until it has melted/warmed up and then rub it on the hair. Its main job is to keep the hair protected and used as a shield or barrier against dryness. Once this is done, you can style your ‘munchkin’s’ hair as you please.

I love children and I do all I can to ensure that they feel good about themselves and one way to do this, is to let them take pride in the frame that holds their little faces – their hair!

How do you take care of your munchkin’s hair?

I would love to hear your thoughts. Please leave your comments. Thank you for stopping by and happy hair health.

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Beautiful natural hair

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Image result for children hairstyles




Image result for children hairstylesImage result for children hairstyles

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