By | January 29, 2017
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What Is Juicing?

Juicing is simply removing the juice from either fruits or vegetables and using it in a simple drink or smoothie. A smoothie is usually made using all the fiber of either fruit or vegetable whereas the juice is the liquid being consumed. When you juice, it goes directly into the blood stream whereas with the smoothie it goes into the digestive system and gives you that ‘full feeling’ because of all the fiber that is in it.

I like juicing because it will also fill you up but I like the idea that it goes immediately to my blood stream. With juicing, you can easily replace one of your major meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) with a juice drink. I have found this an effective way for me to balance and maintain my weight.

Juicing for the health of anyone is definitely a healthy habit to be considered.

Benefits Of Juicing

The primary benefit, without a doubt, is that the enzymes and minerals present in fruits and vegetables do not need to be broken down because are readily absorbed into the bloodstream and this will give the digestive system a break.

Like everything in life, there are advantages and disadvantages. I will outline them in respect to juicing.


  • Easy to digest.
  • Easy to drink.
  • The peel and the rind of most fruits and vegetables (which sometimes have most of the nutrients) can be used to capture otherwise lost nutrients.
  • Complements the vegetables that you can mix with any fruits and still deliver the minerals, enzymes, and vitamins that might not be so easy to digest or pleasant to the taste in their whole form.
  • It can be a complete ‘meal’ on the go.
  • Fruit and vegetables can be consumed without altering their nutrient content.
  • The juicing of raw fruit and vegetables is better than being cooked or processed in any way which ensures that all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes keep their chemical structure intact.
  • By removing the fiber of the fruit or vegetable, the amount and potency will be more accessible.


  • Juices have to be consumed, preferably within 48hrs after making – or it oxidizes over time.
  • Juicing is better with fresh fruits and vegetables whereas it is not an issue when making smoothies.


How Does Juicing Help Hair Health?

Juicing for hair is certainly not a ‘new thing’. People have been juicing for a while, however, it all depends on where the focus is. Juicing for hair growth or juicing for hair loss is simply a combination of the more potent fruits and vegetables being combined for the hair health. Below are some recipes to get you started.

Juicing Equipment

For juicing, I use the Breville BJE820XL Juice Fountain Duo Dual Disc Juicer. I have been juicing and using it for the last 5 yrs. It is durable and effective.

What To Do With The By-product Or Fiber?

Because I prefer not to throw anything in the trash, I usually give the fiber to my guinea pigs or I make fiber cookies which I eat alone or with homemade hummus.

I also freeze the fiber and add it to my meat sauces to help as a thickening agent.

Juicing Recipes

Not only do these recipes encourage hair growth, but also general health for your body. I encourage you to also read my article on green hair health, which also highlights some tips for healthy hair growth.

Easy Juice Zinger

  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 apple
  • a piece of ginger

This is refreshing and has a little zing to it because of the ginger. The natural sugar in the apple makes it go down easier. The ginger helps digestion.

Refreshing Blood Juice

  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 medium tomato
  • 1 celery stalk

Tomato has lycopene which helps to fight the production to cancerous cells as well as Vitamin A in both the carrots and tomato.

Juice cleanser

  • 2 carrots
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 red beet
  • 2 stalks celery
  • ginger to taste

Beets help to detox the body and helps to boost the body’s immunity. It should be used in small quantities and diluted with other vegetables.

Green Juice Zinger

  • 1 apple
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1 pear
  • 1/2 lemon
  • ginger to taste

A very refreshing combination especially if chilled.

Spinach Zinger

  • Spinach leaves
  • 3 stalks celery
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • ginger to taste

Loaded with Vitamins A and C, this is a powerhouse of a drink. Definitely a ‘must’ to help with hair growth.

I hope you have found this article chock-full of information to help you get started on your juicing for your hair health. Please leave me your feedback and any new recipes that you have discovered for hair health.

michelle signature



1/Juicing for Beginners

2/A Beginners Guide To Juicing: 50 Recipes

3/The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet


  1. Angie

    Your site is very good and a good subject, after all ,Hair can be a great indicator of a persons health.
    You have plenty of interesting content and very informative. I have learned a few things from reading through. Just a suggestion, perhaps a few pictures interspersed in some of the content in early pages. overall a good site , well done.

    1. Michelle

      Hello there, Angie. Thanks for stopping by. Thank you for your compliment and observations. You are right, hair can be a great indicator of one’s health. I appreciate your suggestion about having more images on the early pages of my site. I am in the process of updating and refreshing things up a bit. Do come and visit anytime.

      Thank you and all the best.


  2. sharoncl

    Hi Michelle, you have an interesting site,i love all the recipes for the juices.
    I have been having problems with my hair recently so i am glad i have come across this, i thought it was maybe my shampoo (i am thinking differently now) as it was fine to begin with and now it is getting greasy very quickly, do you think the juices will help?.
    I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Michelle

      Thanks so much for your kind words, Sharon.:)

      I love the juice recipes too, I could do a whole lot more, maybe I will, later in time.

      Hmmm, fine-textured hair can sometimes ‘suffer’ more than the ‘normal’ textured hair. I know that juicing will help you in more ways than one internally , so to answer you question – yes! I would also incorporate a hair regimen of some kind to help combat the ‘grease’ factor. Maybe, use sulphate-free shampoos, try co-washing, try mud-washing -you can check out my article here. Also, maybe cleanse your hair more frequently to avoid build up of your natural oils as well? You have to try different measures to see if the results are more ‘you-friendly’ – it varies with each person.

      Please let me know how things turn out. Much success with your hair journey.


  3. Barbara

    Hello Michelle:
    I was interested to read your wonderful post about juicing for hair health, as I was unfamiliar with juicing as a method to grow hair or to treat hair loss. You have presented a lot of information to get me started and I am very interested in learning more. I will be checking back!

    Best wishes on your continuing healthy natural hair journey!


    1. Michelle

      Hello there, Barbara,

      Thanks for visiting.

      Yes, it is simply amazing how much our bodies can benefit from something like juicing, and then again, our hair. It is a wonderful way to pack the ‘punch’ in liquid form. 🙂

      Give it a try, and by all means, please stop by again and let me know the outcome. Happy healthy hair journey.


  4. Eunice Miniely

    Hi Michelle. I’ve been browsing around your site. It’s really informative. In fact, juicing for health is a subject that I have a passion for. In fact last night I made a wonderful drink from apples, celery, bok choy, spinach, parsley and carrots. Wow, was it green. I guess the greener the better. Tasts fabulous.
    Now onto my hair. I’ve had an itchy scalp all winter. It’s probably just a dry scalp. Our winters here in Canada are really dry even though we’ve had lots of snow. There’s no moisture in it. Anyway, I washed my hair with a shampoo that has apple cider vinegar in it; rinsed with apple cider vinegar and changed up my conditioner. Voila, no itchy skin (for now). Hope it lasts.
    Just a tip: I drink apple cider vinegar for digestion along with pieces of ginger. Fantastic stuff.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello Eunice,

      Thanks for stopping by.

      More importantly, thank you for taking the time to voice your thoughts. Your ‘green juice’ made me smile…yes, as it goes, the greener the juice the more packed with nutrients! The better for you and your hair!

      Yes, winters on a whole can be a ‘drying’ affair for your hair and your skin. I am happy that you found a shampoo that works. I LOVE apple cider vinegar for a hair rinse as well as some good vinaigrette dressing as well! I have had a few sips of it in water for a detox as well. You have to be strong for that one! LOL

      The ginger, I usually add to my infusion water mixes…yummy!

      All the best and stop by any time.


  5. Emeolu

    This is good to know. I love buying and drinking smoothie because their ingredients is from fruits. I have been drinking without knowing that it is beneficial to the health of my hair. Your article have motivated me to get more of this product. I will be buying more of it now that I know.

    1. Michelle

      Hello there Emeolu,

      Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to give your thoughts. Yes, juicing is not only for your hair health but you OVERALL health. It helps to know which fruits and veggies you can combine to heal/help the desired body part/function. It is a fun way to get the nutrients your body needs. 

      Stop by anytime and let me know if you have any great recipes that you have tried and seen results from the intake.

      Much success.



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