Is There A Hair Loss Treatment That Works?

By | December 4, 2019
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Is There A Hair Loss Treatment That Works?

hand in hair hair loss treatment

Looking for a hair loss treatment ? Whether you are a man or a woman, you might find, from time to time, that everyone experiences some type of hair loss; as a matter of fact, just thinking about it, we ALL do – men, women, even children and our ‘furry friends ( though we won’t be discussing them in this article). Let’s take a closer look at the reasons for hair loss and the possible solutions or natural remedies to help.

Looking for a #hair_loss_treatment? Whether you are a man or a woman, hair loss can be real. Share on X

Hair Loss can be described as the ‘falling out ‘ or the ‘thinning out’ of hair from the scalp on the head. This is not to be confused with hair breakage, i.e., the breaking off of the strand. When this occurs, normally you will see the whole hair strand with a little white bulb at one end – the root area/follicle, which was inside the scalp. Basically, just think of someone taking one of your hair strands and simply ‘yanking’ it out of your scalp.

Reasons For Hair Loss

In my opinion, there are quite a few reasons which can lead to hair loss –

  • physical stress or emotional imbalance
  • poor nutrition – lack of protein, too much Vitamin A, insufficient Vitamin B
  • poor hair care habits
  • chemical abuse on the hair
  • growth cycles
  • pregnancy
  • hypothyroidism – an underactive thyroid gland
  • autoimmune-related hair loss – an overactive immune system
  • lupus
  • dramatic weight loss
  • chemotherapy
  • antidepressants, blood thinners, and more
  • age

Natural Hair Loss Remedies

To combat hair loss naturally, there are nature’s gifts that we can use to help. Below are a few more common suggestions:

  1. Fenugreek
  2. Brahmi
  3. Aloe Vera
  4. Onion Juice
  5. Mustard Oil
  6. Licorice Root
  7. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
  8. Hot Oil Massage using oils like coconut, olive, castor, grapeseed, and jojoba to name a few.
  9. Vitamin supplements
  10. Tea Rinses

Let’s take a closer look so that you can get an idea of how to use them in order to benefit in the best way possible when it comes to choosing a treatment.

The Indian powders have long been touted for their healing and helpful properties when it comes to the beauty world. Fenugreek, Brahmi, and Amla are very popular in being used to avert hair loss and increase hair growth.

All these powders can simply be made into pastes and then applied to the strands and scalp for 10-30 minutes and then allowed to ‘sit’ on the hair to allow the powders to do their magic. You can make the paste with black or green tea or any herbal tea. This enhances the powders strength.

Tea Rinses

Using teas externally as well as internally can be beneficial to your hair health in more ways than one. My favorite is Horsetail herbal tea. This plant source has a high source of the mineral silica and selenium – it strengthens your bones, as well as your nails and hair.

It helps to make your hair strong and helps to reduce shedding/hair loss.You can simply immerse the dried herb in hot water to make a tea and mix with honey (or not, depending on your preference) or you can make the tea, and once it is cooled, used it as a hair rinse.

Either way, you will reap the benefits of this mineral loaded plant source. It should be noted here that long term use of horsetail is not recommended as it may deplete the Vitamin B-1 and thiamin levels in your body.

Please consult your doctor to ensure that he suggests a Vitamin B supplement while using horsetail.

Vitamin Supplements

We all need a little help sometimes, and vitamin supplements are our friends. Biotin and MSM are handy helpers along the way. 

Aloe Vera

This wonderful plant can be used internally and externally. It can be taken as a juice, fresh from the plant or used from pre-processed sources like aloe vera drinks. It is a healing plant that is commonly used to heal burn wounds, and soften skin and tresses.

It helps to regulate the ph balance of your hair and thus aids in hair loss. You can reap the benefits of this plant by simply having a potted plant on your window sill and using it as the need arises. It is a low maintenance care plant.

Onion Juice

Yes, the humble onion which is also a high source of sulphur and zinc which our bodies need can do a world of good – both on the inside and on the outside. Consuming onions in their natural state is great – though your closest friend might not care for the smell of it on you. This is a great natural hair loss treatment. I have personally used it too.

Another way to use externally is to juice an onion and mix the juice with some fresh lemon juice, massage it into the scalp, allow it to remain for about 15-30 minutes and then cleanse as usual. The smell might be a bit overwhelming, but it will dissipate.

Mustard Oil

Using mustard oil is also a very common Indian hair care method. Not only is this oil used for cooking purposes, but also as a hair loss remedy. Simply massage the scalp and strands with the oil, cover  with a plastic cap for about 3 hours – yes, I would suggest doing this on a weekend day while you do chores or overnight), and then rinse and continue with your usual routine.

Licorice Root

Hot Oil Massages

A most wonderful and delightfully relaxing tool is to have a hair and scalp massage. You can give yourself one or have one done for you, or should I say ‘to’ you. Either way, a massage helps to stimulate the blood cells under your skin to bring oxygen to the most needed areas in your body.

You simply use the finger pads of your fingers to gently press into the scalp, temples, nape and neck area, using small circular movements to get the blood flowing. Doing this with your head slight bent at the waist also helps the blood flow quicker.

You only need to do these mini-massages for about 5 mins at any time to reap great benefits.

You can do the massage with or without a lubricant – warmed oils. Any oil can be used. The more common oils are: coconut, castor, olive, grape seed, mustard, and jojoba. It is important to let the oil remain on the hair and scalp a few minutes longer after the massage before rinsing/cleansing.

Doing this at least once a month will be beneficial to the health of your tresses as well as your blood circulation in your body.

And, while you are doing your research, you might want to take a look at this article – The Best Non-Surgical Hair Loss Solutions – by Samantha Stone. It could also provide some options for you as well.

I hope you will find some useful information from Mother Nature when it comes to hair loss treatment and implement it to help reduce your hair loss naturally.

I welcome your feedback.

hairloss and natural remedies

Images courtesy of Pixabay and Pexels

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8 thoughts on “Is There A Hair Loss Treatment That Works?

  1. Matthew

    Ah hair loss…This is right up my street! There are some great ideas here but I’m a bit concerned with mixing onion juice and lemon juice, wouldn’t that burn your scalp at all?

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there, Matthew.
      Thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave your thoughts. Your comment made me laugh. We all make have a little hair loss as we get along in years, however, as time goes on, we can slow things down by eating right and caring for our hair, as long as there are no genetic or health issues to be factored in.
      I have used the onion and lemon juice mix and it does not irritate my scalp. The only thing is the smell. It can be a little ‘tough’ on your nostrils, other than that, I am doing a 2-month trial to see how onion juice helps my hair. I am in week 2 and so far, so good.
      Give it a try, you never know.

  2. Maurice Jackson

    I can feel the passion this author for helping other in this article. The advice given on how to treat this condition is detailed and instructive. The author’s intent is well delivered giving a sense of their expertise in this area.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there, Maurice.
      Thanks for visiting. I appreciate your compliment. Yes, I LOVE hair and make it a mission of mine to ensure that hair maintenance is something that can be simple and natural – minimal chemical use involved. I am glad you found the information useful. Stop by anytime.

  3. John

    Very interesting post on hair loss and natural hair remedies Michelle, although I think it may be a little late for me, I started going bald in high school, and now have a nice clean scalp lol 😉
    I remember years ago, a barber told me not to use shampoo as this could cause hair loss, I just wish I had of known of some of these hair remedies back then.
    I wonder if any of these can help me now?
    I will definitely try the scalp massages though, that sounds very relaxing as well as beneficial!
    Great article 🙂

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello, John.
      Thanks for visiting.Thank you also for your compliment on the article. Yes, hair loss can be a very sensitive issue for men and women alike. As the article says, there are so many different contributing factors.
      Well, I am not sure for the main reason of your hair loss, if it is genetic, health-related, or hair-care related. One thing I can say is this – the scalp massage will do you good!! It will surely stimulate your scalp and get the blood circulation going. It will definitely feel good. As to the outcome, well, you never know. This certainly, will never harm – as long as it is done correctly. For sure, a good night’s sleep is in the cards – or in the day, whenever you choose to do it.
      Have fun and all the best.

  4. Norman Richards

    Awesome, really awesome post tons of great information and is really a great help to me. I will refer to this post for help. Thanks again.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there, Norman. Thanks for stopping by my place online. I am glad that you found the information useful and even more thrilled that you will share the information.
      All the best.


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