Review Rene Furterer Vitalfan Hair Supplement 2019 [Updated]

By | September 14, 2019
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Review Rene Furterer Vitalfan Hair Supplement 2019[Updated]

In France, or maybe in all Europe, Rene Furterer is a well-known name in the hair and beauty industry. Today, this article, Review Rene Furterer Vitalfan Hair Supplement 2019  we will be looking at the hair vitamin supplement, its use, the ingredients, and the possibility of success for you and your hair. Let’s begin.

Who Is Rene Furterer

Born in Provence, France – Rene’s love for beautiful tresses led him places. He eventually started working as a stylist in his wife’s salon. As a child, he loved nature and experimented with the botanicals and was on a quest to have the beauty of hair and nature join forces.

Rene Furterer VITALFAN Dietary Supplement … – Rene Furterer VITALFAN Dietary Supplement – Progressive Thinning Hair, Plant-Based, Biotin, Drug Free, 30 Capsules: Luxury Beauty.

In 1957, he created a method he called Etheirology – the basic idea was built around 3 things:

  • Prepare
  • Cleanse
  • Treat

He believed that beautiful tresses was a result of a healthy scalp. This treatment was custom-made (after a sophisticated preliminary diagnosis) for results using the botanicals of Mother Nature.

Rene was the first to create a plant-based line of hair care products. He used rare and precious essential oils according to its nature and what they had to offer the senses.

Rene continues to combine the best botanicals to treat all hair needs and his hair institute is located in Paris. He has received the award IMS Health in 2015 and has definitely built up a wonderful reputation for hair care.

What Is Vitalfan Hair Supplement

vitalfan box cover

Vitalfan is a supplement specifically created for thinning strands. There are two types:

  • Sudden or temporary hair loss – this is described as the immediate effects attributed to stress and other temporary factors
  • Progressive hair loss or thinning – this is described as effects over a period of time

On the website, you can easily determine the type of hair loss/ thinning that you are going through.

Scenario #1

You see a decrease in your strand density over a period of 3 months or fewer, your strands are falling out a lot and you find it everywhere – this is reactive hair loss.

Scenario #2

You notice a slow, gradual decrease in strand density for more than 6 months, and you have thin, ‘skinny’ strands, coupled with a genetic history of hair loss, then you have progressive hair loss.

This supplement is created to works against the 3 main causes associated with loss:

  • Vascular
  • Hormonal
  • Tissular

It is meant to encourage thicker, stronger and healthier hair. It is clinically [1] proven to:

  • Strengthen and make your tresses healthier 92%
  • Thicken your strands 81%
  • Stimulate hair growth 83%
  • Reduce greasy tresses 79%

The results can be seen from the very first course of  treatment. It is suggested to take consistently for a 3-month period.

Let Rene #Furterer do your hair. Read more in My Rene Furterer Vitalfan Review 2019 and see how you hold the health of your tresses in your hands...literally! Share on X

Vitalfan Dietary Supplement is specifically formulated to:

  • Treat hereditary, progressive thinning tresses
  • Stimulate micro-circulation
  • Regulate oil production
  • Encourage growth

See the image for the dietary ingredients and percentage value.

rene furterer vitalfan hair supplement label ingredients

The main ingredients in the formula:

  • Bitter Orange (Citrus Aurantyium) – a native tropical plant which produces a bitter fruit. The extract stimulates micro-circulation on the scalp to maximize the supply of energy-booting and nourishing elements which help to fight hair loss.
  • Blackcurrant Extract (Ribes Nigrum) – its origin is in Europe and grows in a mild climate. This botanical extract also stimulates micro-circulation as well as being a source of antioxidants.
  • Lavender (Lavandula Hybrida) – used since Persian times as a bath oil due to its soothing properties. This extract has relaxing as well and antiseptic properties.
  • Pfaffia, also known as Brazilian Ginseng – is native to Amazonia and is one of the most famous plants used in traditional medicine. It also stimulates scalp micro-circulation, thus maximizing the intake of essential nutrients for optimal growth.

main ingredients vitalfanHow To Use

The recommended usage is for a course of 90-days taking one capsule daily with meals. It is also suggested continuing after this period for optimal health

Benefits Associated With Rene Furterer Vitalfan Hair Supplement

As is to be expected, when natural botanical extracts are a primary base for any product, you will reap great benefits. Here are a few that can be expected with Vitalfan:

  • Encourages healthy growth
  • Balances scalp
  • Protects the hair bulb

My Final Thoughts About Rene Furterer Vitalfan Hair Supplement 2019

I am excited to say that I will be trying this Rene Furterer hair supplement. Just based on the 4 main botanical extracts, I am impressed and I see where this supplement should do anyone’s tresses a world of good.

I will be updating the article as time progresses at the end of the 90-days period. If you have tried this supplement, be sure to leave your feedback as well.

I hope this Rene Furterer Vitalfan Review 2019 has been a great source for the health of your tresses.

All the best.

[1] Rene Furterer Studies. A 3-month dermatological study of 90 subject with chronic hair loss, conducted at home.


Well, I used this supplement for 6 months and I m happy to report that is great. I had increased hair length and my nails were hard as rocks! Its worth started showing up about 5 weeks after using…and I suspect it will vary for everyone. I am still using it although on a short break right now.

Images courtesy of Pixabay and Amazon.

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14 thoughts on “Review Rene Furterer Vitalfan Hair Supplement 2019 [Updated]

  1. Cheryl Brown

    Thanks for this article Michelle. I found this very interesting and it sounds like something that would maybe be beneficial to myself.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello Cheryl,
      Thanks for your visit. I am glad that you found the information useful. Check back for my update in 3 months…I am just as curious as you are!

  2. Andrew

    Hi, Michelle. Thanks for the information. This sounds like a product that I will benefit from. I will definitely be back in three months to see what your conclusions are. Any natural product is preferable to manufactured drugs as I believe there will be no side effects.
    Kind regards

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello Andrew,
      Thanks for your visit and your thoughts. Yes, I am psyched to see what happens in a few months. I am thinking good thoughts. And of course, natural is so much better than enhanced chemicals…we need to protect our bodies.
      Check back in a few months. And lemme know if you try it too.

  3. Daniel Guimbi

    I have to say that I like your website it provides very useful information. I see how reading is so important I used to live in Brazil for almost 3 years, I know the Brazilian Ginseng Plant, I could not even imagine that this plant should be one the ingredients of Vitalfan. Worth reading.
    Bless up!

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello Daniel,
      Thanks for your visit and your thoughts. I have visited Brazil and I love the culture and the people and of course, they have great hair…shiny and healthy. I am glad you like the website and more importantly, that you found the information useful. Visit any time. All the best.

  4. Andrea

    I am interested to hear how well this supplement works for you. I would love to have my hair thicker, as it is definitely thinning now. I like all the natural ingredients – lavender would probably double as a calming agent (which I assume would help with the stress related hair loss). Overall, I will keep an eye out for your review after you complete the 90 days. Thank you for sharing this information.

    1. Michelle Post author

      Hello there, Andrea. Thanks for your visit and sharing your thoughts. Yes, please come back in a few months or even before and see how things worked out for me with this plan. I also love the ingredients too. Be in touch.

  5. Letsret

    It’s so great to see natural ingredients in products.  This product has some real great oils, lavender being one I use for hair and skin care.  Helps as a scalp treatment and along with the other ingredients, it makes this product one of the best on the market.  Thanks for doing a review on this product.

    1. Michelle

      Hello Letsret,

      Thanks for your visit. Glad the article resonated with you. Yes, I love lavender too…it is such a versatile essential oil.



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