Using Salt And Your Hair
Have you ever heard of using salt in your hair care? Well, you are about to do so! It is not as far-fetched as it might seem. We are going to look at the wonderful aspect of salt and your hair in this article.
Salt can be described as a white crystalline substance whose chemical compound is made up from sodium chloride. It is this substance that gives seawater its characteristic taste.
Salt is generally used:
- for seasoning (adding taste to culinary dishes) or for preserving foods (dried fish, vegetables, fruits)
- detoxing – either by making a sea salt bath, going to the sea, or using Epsom salts
- water conditioning – water can be considered as hard or soft. When it is hard, it contains calcium & magnesium (hardness ions). In order to make the water soft, sodium ions are added to soften the water thus avoiding scale build-up on hot water appliances
- highway de-icing – using salt, which is readily available, is one of the most effective and economical ways to de-ice roads and public highways. This accounts for 8% of all salt production
- industrial chemicals – a very popular use for salt is as a feedstock for the production of industrial chemicals and in total accounts for 68% of all the salt manufactured
- food grade salt
– everyone (human beings and animals) need some sodium and chloride for maintenance of their health. Because the body cannot make its own of either substance, then it makes sense to ensure that the essential nutrients can be supplied nutritionally
- paper manufacturing – when making paper, salt is used to make caustic soda and chlorine. The caustic soda is used to process the wood fibers, while chlorine is used to bleach the pulp
- agriculture – basic nutritional need for livestock, poultry, and other animals to ensure a healthy and disease-free diet
- production of some household products – as varied as plastic, paper, glass, polyester, rubber and fertilisers to household bleach, soaps, detergents and dyes.
Benefits Of Using Salt For Your Hair
There are a few reasons that I can outline showing how salt can be advantageous to your hair.
- it helps to make your hair’s curl pattern ‘pop’
- it actually is a great solution for women with thin hair because it acts as a volumizer – ever wondered why your curls are more voluminous when you get back from the beach – the ‘beach-hair’ that so many models love to have?
- it helps to balance the ph of your hair – your hair is alkaline and salt is acidic so together they are a team
- as a water solution, using salt helps to close your cuticles
- it is a great addition to indigo when doing an indigo treatment as it helps the indigo to adhere better to the hair strands
Disadvantages Of Salt For Your Hair
Of course, like everything, there can be a few disadvantages to using salt for your hair. I suggest moderation at all time and being mindful of whatever you choose to do to your hair.
Using salt:
- can be drying to your hair especially if you already have a problematic scalp problem or just dry hair
- can make your hair sticky if the proportions are not accurate based on your hair needs
- can make your hair too curly and be problematic in detangling
Salt Hair Recipes
Indigo Treatment
When doing a henna and indigo treatment, be sure to add about 1-2 table spoons of sea salt or just table salt to the indigo powder before adding some warm water to make the indigo paste. This will allow the indigo to absorb more readily to your hair strands.
Beach-hair Treatment
After any cleansing and conditioning session, add about 1 tablespoon of sea salt or regular table salt to 8ozs of water and pour into a spray bottle. Simply spray on your hair and allow to air dry as you scrunch your curls for the desired shape and fullness.
Interesting Tidbits About Salt
I found a few tidbits about salt that you might find interesting.
Did you know that:
- In Roman times, the soldiers were paid in salt – and thus the origin of the word ‘salary’.
- Every cell in the body contains salt – an adult contains about 250 grams.
- Earlier times, in Japanese theaters, they would sprinkle salt on the stage before each performance in order to ward off evil spirits and their effects on the actors. In my country, it is not uncommon to see people sprinkling salt around their homes in order to do the same thing.
- Salt is used to remove traces of water from aviation fuel after it is purified.
- In Ethiopia, salt bars were considered standard currency.
- Salt can be used to remove red wine stains
- Sodium plays the key role in sending the signals (to and from) within the brain.
My Final Thoughts About Salt And Your Hair
I hope that you found this article ‘tasteful’ and without a doubt that it will give you a different perspective on the common table salt and the possibilities that abound. As with any information that you read, please do your supplemented research and check with your medical authority before you try anything.
I welcome your feedback in the comments section.
Hi Michelle,
Very interesting article about the advantages and disadvantages of salt to our hair. This is new to me. I am glad I stumbled on this article.
This is very well researched as I work in aviation as an aircraft mechanic and I did not know they use salt to remove traces of water in the jet fuel.
Thank you,
Hello Den,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, salt can be a good thing and a bad thing, of course, everything in moderation. Yes, salt can be used in your hair and in so many other ways. Glad you found it interesting and an eye-opener, especially in your field of work.